Design of a Modulation System Simulator

Date of Award

Fall 1985

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computational Modeling & Simulation Engineering


Modeling and Simulation

Committee Director

Roland R. Mielke

Committee Member

Stephen Zahorian

Committee Member

Joseph Hibey

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E53D34


The development of a Modulation System Simulator is described. The Modulation System Simulator is used to investigate the performance, in the presence of noise, of various analog and digital modulation systems. The methods of modulation studied using this simulator are amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, pulse amplitude modulation, pulse code modulation, amplitude shift keying modulation, and frequency shift keying modulation. For each of these modulation systems a mathematical model is devised and then analyzed to predict the performance of each modulation system in the presence of noise. The results of this theoretical analysis are then compared with the experimental results obtained using the Modulation System Simulator and any differences between the two are accounted for.


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