Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Public Service, College of Business, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.

In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Thesis: Public Service Motivation and Volunteer Firefighters in Rural Environments, Terina Chapin Brooms


Dissertation: A Quantitative Study Assessing the Impact of Financial Sector Safeguards Rules on US Publicly Traded Companies' Cybersecurity Breach Frequency and Severity, Alan Dinerman


Dissertation: Stakeholders From Multiple Sectors Views and Policy Approaches to Marine Debris Removal: A Qualitative Case Study of Virginia's Elizabeth River, Robin Rene’ Dunbar


Dissertation: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Understanding Oral Health Care Policy: A Case Study Approach Analyzing Multiple Streams Framework in NC Oral Health Policy, Lori Gordon Hendrick


Dissertation: Law’s Impact on Collaboration: A Three-Case Study of Federal Advisory Committees Managed by the U. S. Coast Guard, Brian K. McNamara


Dissertation: Trust and Contexts: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Coastal Household Preparedness, Ogechukwu M. Agim Nwandu-Vincent

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Dissertation: Collaborative Leadership Skills and Competencies in Emergency Management and Resilience: Lessons and Implications from the Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Norah Abdullah A Alshayhan


Dissertation: Information and Communications Technology Within Coastal Resilience Planning Frameworks: The Case of Jamaica, a Small Island Developing State, Ren-Neasha R. Blake Gilmore


Dissertation: The Risk Perceptions and Evacuation Behaviors of College Students in Coastal Communities: Exploring the Functionality of the False Alarm and Desensitization Model, Saige Marisza Hill


Dissertation: CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule: Examining the Relationship Between Nursing Home Facility Characteristics and Regulatory Deficiencies, Tihara Richardson Sommers

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Dissertation: Nonprofit Organizational Performance Measurement and Accountability: Funders vs. Clients/Missions, Mavis Mansah Agbakpe


Dissertation: Other Transaction Authorities: Evaluating Innovation Policy Impact of Alternative Contract Vehicles in the Department of Defense, Dolores Kuchina-Musina


Dissertation: Looking Through Their Lenses: An Analysis of Virginia Environmental Nonprofits' Roles and Challenges in Shoreline Management for Coastal Resilience, Taiwo C. Olanrewaju Lasisi


Dissertation: Three Essays on Clean Water State Revolving Funds: Determinants of State Leveraging and Measurement of Debt Affordability, Lien T. Nguyen

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Dissertation: Why Do Nonprofits Fail? A Quantitative Study of Form 990 Information in the Years Preceding Closure, MacKenzie Arbogust


Dissertation: Governance Impact on Public-Private Partnerships for Member Countries of the World Bank Group, Kouliga Koala


Dissertation: Enhanced Model of Collaboration and Social Capital: Hampton Roads All Hazards Advisory Committee: A Replication Study, Adale M. Martin


Dissertation: Social Vulnerability and Hurricane Evacuation Behavior in Hampton Roads, VA: Emergency Management Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Low-to-Moderate Income Households in a Social Construction Paradigm, Mechelle Bonit Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 2019


Dissertation: An Analysis of the Differences Between Non-Profit Board Members According to the Method by Which Non-Profit Board Positions Are Acquired, Patricia N. Birungi


Dissertation: Assessing the Relationship Between Flood Risk Perceptions and Adaptive Behaviors of Households, Dontá Council


Dissertation: Conceptualizing Governance Decision Making: A Theoretical Model of Mental Processes Derived Through Abduction, Matt Loesch


Dissertation: A Case Study of Participant Responses to Organizational Change Involving Technology in the National Security Domain: How Informal Processes Iterate Structure and Outcomes, Brian E. Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Dissertation: Ethical Accountability of Licensed Professional Counselors: A Comparative Study of State Regulations and the Effects on Ethical Behavior, Kelly J. Doolan


Dissertation: Is There a More Distinct South? Comparing Key’s, Elazar’s and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Version of the South through the Lens of the Affordable Care Act, Robert Christopher Kenter


Dissertation: Countervisuality as Policy Feedback: A Critical Policy Study on the Symbolic Role of Visual Culture in Contemporary Antiracist Resistance, Lindsay N. Plott-Buckner


Dissertation: Technology, Institutions and Their Interactions: How Do These Explain E-Participation Degree and Levels? A Cross-Country Analysis, Pragati Rawat


Dissertation: A Study of Public Seaport Governance in the United States, Christopher Michael Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


Dissertation: Factors Influencing Health Outcomes Across the Least, Average and Healthiest States in America, Somayeh Hooshmand


Dissertation: Obesity Policy Stringency Over Time: A Four State Policy Design, Luisa M. Lucero


Dissertation: Exploring the Relationship between Media Influence and Policy Output: A State Comparative Study, Stephanie Savas Joannou Menefee

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Dissertation: Exploring the Role of Organizational Motivations in Cross-Sector Watershed Collaboration, Luisa M. Diaz-Kope


Dissertation: Medicaid Expansion in the United States: A State Comparative Study Examining Factors that Influence State Decision Making, Tiffany J. Henley


Dissertation: Civic Crowdfunding and Local Government: An Examination into Projects, Scope, and Implications for Local Government, Martin Mayer

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Dissertation: An Examination of Factors That Influence Teacher Adoption of Bring Your Own Device in the Classroom, Shawn Patrick Lloyd Hirano


Dissertation: Street-Level Bureaucratic Discretion: An Investigation of Disproportionality in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems, Nina Frola Joyner


Dissertation: Determining if Development Capacity Leads to the Attainment of Redevelopment Goals for Six Communities Affected by Base Realignment and Closure (1988, 1991, and 1993), Paula J. Loomis


Dissertation: The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Behavior: A Case Study of Administrative Employees at a Mid-Atlantic University, Najwa Mordhah


Dissertation: Exploring Conceptualization and Operationalization of Interorganizational Interactions: An Empirical Study, Andrew Paul Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Dissertation: The Impacts of In-State Procurement Preference Policies on the Economy of South Carolina, Sawsan A. Abutabenjeh


Dissertation: The War on Drugs in the American States: Variations in Sentencing Policies Over Time, Katherine Anna Neill

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Dissertation: A Comparative Study of the Factors Influencing the Level of State Government Privatization, Getachew Melkie


Dissertation: The State of Representation and Segregation Among African American Women at the U.S. Department of Commerce: An Examination of the Intersection of Strategic Planning With Race and Gender, Sesha Joi Moon

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Dissertation: Relational Exchange in Nonprofits: The Role of Identity Saliency and Relationship Satisfaction, Jennifer Anne Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Dissertation: Social Networking and Individual Performance: Examining Predictors of Participation, Michael Anthony Brown Sr.


Dissertation: Choosing to Serve: Modeling Antecedents of Public Service Motivation in Undergraduate Students, Vivian Walker Greentree


Dissertation: The Impact of the Higher Education Regulatory Environment on For-Profit Higher Education Institutions, Rhonda L. Myers

Theses/Dissertations from 2009


Dissertation: Determinants of Increased Safety Belt Use by High School Students in Motor Vehicles: The Influence of Parents and Peers and Implications for Virginia's Graduated Driver Licensing Laws, Georjeane Linley Blumling


Dissertation: A Test of Direct and Partially Mediated Relationships Between Leader Member Exchange, Job Embeddedness, Turnover Intentions, and Job Search Behaviors in a Southern Police Department, Mark D. Bowman


Dissertation: Regional Emergency Response Teams: Case Studies in Hampton Roads, Virginia, Thomas E. Poulin


Dissertation: A State Comparative Study of the Factors Influencing Nursing Home Quality of Care Regulation, Tancy Joe Vandecar-Burdin


Dissertation: Measuring Collaboration: An Assessment of the Containment Model Effort Used to Manage Sex Offenders in the Community, Teresa L. Van Nostrand

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Dissertation: An Empirical Analysis of Macroeconomic and Political Determinants of Private Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ralph Cann-Tamakloe


Dissertation: The Perspective and Practice of Leadership by Managers Within the Virginia Department of Corrections: An Instrumental Case Study, Elizabeth M. Gagnon


Dissertation: Exploring Interactions During Multiorganizational Policy Implementation: A Case Study of the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program, Madeleine Wright McNamara

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


Dissertation: The Impact of Privatization on Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Developing Countries, Samuel Adams


Dissertation: Analysis of Determinants in Neighborhood Satisfaction Between Defended and Defensible Communities Within the General and Urban Housing Environments, David William Chapman


Dissertation: The Potential Influence of Motivation on the Decision to Stay or Quit the Navy Delayed Entry Program: A Descriptive Analysis, Angela W. Cyrus


Dissertation: Judicial Implementation of the Revised Family Code in Addis Ababa, Tassew Shiferaw Gizaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


Dissertation: Evaluating Collaboration Constructs: An Analysis of the Paradise Creek Restoration Plan, Pamela Trump Dunning


Dissertation: The Politics and Economics of Health: A Cross-National Comparison of Civic Engagement and Health Status, Suzanne J. Wood

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Dissertation: Pursuit of Professionalism in Bureaucracy: Perceptions About Bureaucratic Values of Civil Service Employees in the Ethnic Federalism of Ethiopia, Mary Elizabeth Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 1984


Thesis: Tidewater Virginia: A Case Study in Health Planning, Maria Justice Moore Griffin