Bridging Technology and Literacy: Developing Digital Reading and Writing Practices in Grades K-6

Bridging Technology and Literacy: Developing Digital Reading and Writing Practices in Grades K-6



This book provides a practical understanding of digital literacy and information on integrating digital technology into English Language Arts and literacy instruction at the K-6 grade levels. Cross-disciplinary connections are also provided to bridge literacy and language arts and other content areas for a more integrated approach to literacy instruction. This text not only introduces readers to various types of digital tools and resources, but also provides practical approaches for using digital tools in instruction to help students read and write multi-modal digital texts. Each chapter contains key elements that prompt brainstorming about digital tools, connections to the Common Core State Standards in Language Arts, and resources for teachers to plan instruction that incorporates digital tools. Comprehensive sample lesson plans that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and English Language Proficiency Standards are provided throughout the text. Information about digital citizenship, digital copyright, lesson planning, and long-range planning is also provided. [Amazon.con]



Publication Date



Rowman & Littlefield Publishers


Lanham, Maryland


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Technology | Elementary Education | Language and Literacy Education

Bridging Technology and Literacy: Developing Digital Reading and Writing Practices in Grades K-6
