Document Type
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Conference Name
Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, November 7-10, 2024, Cleveland, Ohio
[First paragraph] Mixed-reality simulations (MRSs), blending real and virtual environments, provide a low-risk environment (Dieker et al., 2014; Piro & O'Callaghan, 2019) to rehearse core teaching practices (Jacobs & Spangler, 2017). Grant and Ferguson (2021) designed a MursionTM custom simulation to support pre-service teachers' (PTs) mathematics discussion practice. PTs had opportunities to facilitate a discussion of provided student solutions (e.g., drawing, repeated subtraction, creating table) to a mathematics task: "Harry the Dog Problem" (Grant & Ferguson, 2021), where Harry the dog is waiting in a line of 23 dogs to be washed. When a dog is washed, Harry sneaks ahead of two dogs. How many dogs will be washed before Harry?
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0000-0001-5396-0732 (Grant)
Original Publication Citation
Ünlü, M., Kastberg, S., Kocabas, S., & Grant, M (2024). A custom mixed reality simulation design: Minimizing teacher biases in mathematical discussion practices. In K. W. Kosko, J. Caniglia, S. A. Courtney, M. Zolfaghari, G. A. Morris (Eds.), Proceedings of the fourty-sixth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1204-1205). Kent State University.
Repository Citation
Ünlü, Melihan; Kastberg, Signe; Kocabas, Sezai; and Grant, Melva, "A Custom Mixed-Reality Simulation Design: Minimizing Teacher Biases in Mathematical Discussion Practices" (2024). Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications. 267.
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Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
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