Connecting a Vintage Macintosh to the Internet
Description/Abstract/Artist Statement
This project implements several programs to help bring a three-decade old Apple Macintosh Plus into the modern era. An http proxy server renders modern webpages for the ancient web browser, an ftp server allows the Mac to share files with other devices on the local network, and a smtp/pop server allows the aging email client to send a receive emails.
All the programs used are open source programs for Linux apart from the http proxy server, which is a simple Python script based on Tyler Hicks’ MacProxy project.
Set up involved installing/configuring several pieces of server software on the Pi, writing the two scripts for the http proxy, installing the client software on the Mac, and configuring the parameters for the connection to be made.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Ayman Elmesalai, Soad Ibrahim
College Affiliation
College of Engineering & Technology (Batten)
Presentation Type
Art/Creative Work
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Session Title
Computer Science and its Impact in Science and Engineering
Zoom Room S
Start Date
3-20-2021 12:00 PM
End Date
3-20-2021 12:55 PM
Connecting a Vintage Macintosh to the Internet
Zoom Room S
This project implements several programs to help bring a three-decade old Apple Macintosh Plus into the modern era. An http proxy server renders modern webpages for the ancient web browser, an ftp server allows the Mac to share files with other devices on the local network, and a smtp/pop server allows the aging email client to send a receive emails.
All the programs used are open source programs for Linux apart from the http proxy server, which is a simple Python script based on Tyler Hicks’ MacProxy project.
Set up involved installing/configuring several pieces of server software on the Pi, writing the two scripts for the http proxy, installing the client software on the Mac, and configuring the parameters for the connection to be made.