Virginias Collegiate Honors Council Conference
The Virginias Collegiate Honors Council (VCHC), now more than twenty five years old, joins universities, colleges, and community colleges throughout Virginia and West Virginia to support and enhance programs and activities to meet the needs of exceptionally talented and motivated students.
VCHC holds a Spring Honors Conference each year as a forum for Honors students from Virginia and West Virginia institutions to present their scholarly work publicly and to network with other Honors students. Participants typically present results from an Honors project, an independent undergraduate research project, or an original work (i.e art, dance, literature, instrumental or vocal music, or poetry) as an individual oral presentation, a group presentation, or within the poster session.
You may peruse the archive of conference programs (2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010) to see the diversity of topics presented and quality of scholarly work done by Honors students in Virginia and West Virginia.
Join the student discussion about the conference on their Facebook Page.