Date of Award

Spring 2000

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Computer Engineering

Committee Director

James F. Leathrum, Jr.

Committee Member

John W. Stoughton

Committee Member

Roland Mielke

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 J66


The purpose of this paper is to introduce a generic, object-oriented model for the simulation of networks of queues. Generic simulation modeling provides robust ways of laying out processes in stochastic, event driven simulations. The approach taken is to define a methodology that will be implementation independent, termed the Generic Server Simulation Model (GSSM); thus, leaving the implementers to choose the best (most suited for their use) means of implementation. GSSM uses many object-oriented concepts to provide its basic structure and has in its design the ability to take advantage of these object-oriented concepts, including reuse of (existing) code. GSSM constructs provide a natural way to easily build network (nodal) models, allowing these constructs to transform easily into a graphical representation. The key use of GSSM will be in its adaptability or mutability. By design, it handles easily and naturally the insertion and deletion of processes, as well as increases or decreases in the number of object types serviced by these processes. The model is demonstrated using a port simulation.


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