Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date




Publication Title

Change Dynamics in Healthcare, Technological Innovations, and Complex Scenarios




In this collaborative research endeavor at the intersection of biological safety and cybersecurity for BiosView labs, the authors highlight their engagement with a diverse student cohort. The chapter delves into the motivation behind collaborations extending beyond traditional academic research environments, emphasizing inclusivity. The meticulous examination of student demographics, including gender, self-reported ethnicity, and national origin, is detailed in the methodology. A student-centric approach is central to the exploration, focusing on aligning teaching and management styles with unique student needs. The chapter elaborates on effective teaching methodologies and management practices tailored for BiosView labs. A dedicated section emphasizes the purpose of joint endeavors, featuring a thoughtfully crafted questionnaire that guides collaborations towards both educational and personally meaningful outcomes for students.


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Original Publication Citation

Potter, L. N., & Palmer, X.-L. (2024). Different visions from BiosView: A brief report. In D. N. Burrell (Ed), Change Dynamics in Healthcare, Technological Innovations, and Complex Scenarios. IGI Global.


0000-0002-1289-5302 (Palmer)
