Date of Award

Summer 6-1991

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science & Geography


Graduate Program in International studies

Committee Director

Mary Ann Tetreault

Committee Member

John P. Broderick

Committee Member

Susan MacFarland

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.I45T55


This study examines the influence of United States/Soviet relations on network news coverage of Eastern Europe. It also measures the ideological character of network news reports about Eastern Europe or how television news in the United States is constructed along a particular ideological vision. The specific operational questions researched are: Is network news content influenced by trends in United States/Soviet relations? How is the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union reflected in the ideological presentation of the news? Samples of CBS nightly news programs were analyzed for quantitative and qualitative changes in news content over time. Analysis of network news content is important to an understanding of international political communication and is therefore a relevant topic in the study of international relations.


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