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Conference Name

ARL Library Assessment Conference


Old Dominion University Libraries recently conducted the LibQUAL+ survey, and received over 300 comments from respondents. This comment data presented a challenge for the volunteer group of librarians and staff tasked with designing, administering, and analyzing the survey. However, the richness and value that qualitative data adds to quantitative measures cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, qualitative data needs to be treated with the same rigor as quantitative data. So, how did we take seemingly disparate comments and use them to add depth and meaning to quantitative data? This poster depicts how the ODU Libraries answered that question. It highlights the methods used to work with that unstructured data, from initial, exploratory filtering and sorting to the ultimate creation of a codebook. The focus of the poster is on the process of creating a codebook for analysis of LibQUAL+ comments, and viewers can expect to leave with ideas to create a similar tool at their own institutions.
