Submissions from 2024
Undergraduate Data Literacy in Engineering: A Collaborative Approach, Amber Gruszeczka and Nicole Galloway
Submissions from 2021
Old Dominion University (ODU) Yearbook Review, Steven Bookman
It Started With A Zine and Ended With A Zoom: How We Successfully Created a Virtual Arts Festival During Covid-19 at ODU, LaraAnn Canner, Gay Acompanado, and Jennifer Hoyt
Strengthening the Connections Between Library Instruction and Student Success, Lucinda R. Wittkower and Joleen Westerdale McInnis
Submissions from 2020
Making Connections Between General Education Information Literacy Classes and Upper Level Writing Courses: An Exploration of Faculty and Student Perceptions, Lucinda Wittkower, D. E. Wittkower, and Narketta Sparkman-Key
Submissions from 2017
Celebrating 85 Years of Diversity at Old Dominion University, Steven Bookman
Who Moved My Subject Search, Tonia Graves
ODU Libraries Materials Budget Strategies: Some Pros and Cons, Tonia Graves and Rob Tench
Submissions from 2016
The Biggest Lies on the Internet: Using Real Life Examples to Help Students Master Information Literacy Concepts, Lucinda Rush
"...and a box": Working with Unstructured Comment Data, Megan E. Smith and Topher Lawton
Increase the Global Impact of Your Scholarship with Open Access, Karen Vaughan and Corrie Marsh
Submissions from 2015
Jargon-Free Librarianing: Speaking the Language of Our Patrons, Ashley Brewer, Lucinda Rush, and Rachel Stott
Using What They Know to Teach Them What They Need to Know, Lucinda Rush
One Minute Tips: Take Two! Student Perceptions of Videos Used for Information Literacy Instruction, Lucinda Rush, Rachel Lux, Christopher Lawton, and Megan Smith
ODU Digital Commons: The Institutional Repository for Old Dominion University, Karen Vaughan
Submissions from 2014
Best Practices for Creating Videos for Information Literacy Programming, Rachel Lux and Lucinda Rush
Learning Through Play, the Old School Way, Lucinda Rush
Submissions from 2008
School Desegregation in Norfolk, Virginia, Karen S. Vaughan