Date of Award

Spring 1991

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Sciences



Committee Director

R. James Swanson

Committee Member

Robert Ratzlaff

Committee Member

Christopher Osgood

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.B46 L395


The development of mouse embryos in vitro has provided a unique opportunity for the study of cellular differentiation and the influence of various agents on differentiation. Midazolam is administered for conscious sedation in the recovery of human ova. In the Norfolk IVF Program, midazolam is found in varying concentrations in follicular fluid. Mouse embryo formation and development has been used to test midazolam's effect on fertilization and early development as a model of human in vitro fertilization and development. Midazolam' s effects were studied using varying doses of midazolam on (1) in vivo fertilization and subsequent cell division, and (2) co-culture with 2-cell mouse embryos during development to blastocyst stage. Midazolam has no effect on in vivo fertilization and subsequent cell division nor on in vitro development of 2-cell mouse embryos when present in concentrations calculated to approximate and exceed those to which human ova would be exposed during clinical anesthesia. Results indicate that recommended doses of midazolam given during the harvesting of human ova have no inhibitory effect on in vitro fertilization and consequent embryo development.


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