Date of Award

Spring 2001

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biological Sciences



Committee Director

Harold G. Marshall

Committee Member

Rebecca Bray

Committee Member

William Dunstan

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.B46 M88 2001


Lake Prince and the Western Branch Reservoir are two eutrophic bodies of water located in Suffolk, Virginia. Lake Prince and its two small tributaries join the Western branch via a constructed spillway. This lake system is a source of water for the surrounding municipalities, and a recreational area for community citizens. In the past, these bodies of water had repeated incidents of low oxygen and nuisance algal blooms, particularly cyanobacteria species. As a result aerators have been installed in the main body of both Lake Prince and the Western Branch Reservoir. In addition, a pipeline has been installed from North Carolina into the southern arm of Lake Prince to provide an additional water supply. The purpose of this study is to examine the algal composition and seasonal community structure of Lake Prince and the Western Branch Reservoir over a year long period. The seasonal periodicity and phytoplankton community composition of the two bodies of water arc compared. as arc the two tributaries of Lake Prince. In addition, physical and chemical data are presented. A previous year of data for Lake Prince is also compared. A report of the completed analysis will be furnished to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. The seasonal periodicity of these lakes generally follows that of a typical temperate eutrophic reservoir, with two turnover periods and summer stratification. However, severe weather events in the fall and the winter significantly affected the seasonal and community patterns.


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