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Publication Title

Kew Bulletin


Article in Press


56 pp.


A systematic monograph is presented for Hydnora (Hydnoraceae), a poorly known genus of holoparasitic plants distributed across Africa, Madagascar and southern Arabia. Species of Hydnora are characterised by their underground habit, unusual fleshy flowers and complete absence of leaves or photosynthetic tissue. This is the first detailed monograph of the genus Hydnora since 1935 and is informed by a comprehensive survey of herbarium specimens and literature. Detailed descriptions, full synonymy, distribution maps and discussion concerning confusable taxa are provided for each species, along with notes on ethnobotany, ecology and conservation. We place particular emphasis on the taxonomic value of osmophore geometry and positioning in living and dried material, which are highly consistent within species. We also provide the first detailed assessment of host range across the genus. Hydnora hanningtonii Rendle and H. solmsiana Dinter are reinstated from synonymy, and H. bolinii S.Hatt is newly described here. The infrageneric classification is reviewed and a key is provided for both living and dried material. Species are accompanied by both illustrations and photographs of living and dried material where possible.


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Data Availability

Article states: "Data that support this study are available in the cited herbaria and on freely available online resources. Any further data required can be made available by request from the corresponding author."

Original Publication Citation

Hatt, S. A., Thorogood, C. J., Bolin, J. F., Musselman, L. J., Cameron, D. D., & Grace, O. M. (2024). A taxonomic revision of the genus Hydnora (Hydnoraceae). Kew Bulletin. Advance online publication.


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