
Strome College of Business


Ph.D. Public Administration & Policy

Publication Date



Public-private partnerships (PPPs) emerged as a cross-sectorial mechanism of potentialities and opportunities for governments to initiate or speed up the development of infrastructure. The World Bank Group (WBG) provides assistance to member countries to finance infrastructure projects. However, the introduction of new guidelines on PPPs procurement poses some challenges. To meet the requirements, countries have to restructure their governance system or create new units and regulations. The requirements are in place for effectiveness and efficiency throughout the entire PPP project process from project preparation to project deactivation. The literature on PPPs posits that failure or success of PPPs depends on the effectiveness of governance factors and therefore, more advanced economies perform better than less advanced ones. However, there is gap in the literature in that it focuses on general factors while at the same time omitting the stages of PPP procurements and the sub-categories. Using data from the Procuring Infrastructure Public- Private Partnerships Report 2018, the Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI) database, and the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) database, the research ran a multivariate regression. The researcher found that focusing on PPP procurement stages and subcategories better informs governments and practitioners in both developing and developed economies of the specific elements for better performance.





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Uncovering Effective Practices for Improving Public-Private Partnerships in Member Countries of the World Bank Group



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