Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Title

Ted 2021 Conference Proceedings: Steering into the Future



Conference Name

Ted 2021 Conference, November 2-5, 2021, Fort Worth, TX


We used a concurrent multiple-baseline research design replicated across participants to evaluate the effects of eCoaching on increasing the delivery and maintenance of behavior specific praise (BSP) in a mixed-reality Mursion™ classroom simulation. Participants consisted of four master’s students in a special education program. Results showed noteworthy increases in the rate and percent participants gave BSP during the intervention condition. Additionally, praise variety increased in all participants, and high rates of BSP were observed as the intervention was faded and removed all together. Our study extends the extant literature on an emerging evidencebased practice (i.e., BSP) and helps validate eCoaching and an effective method for providing immediate feedback during Mursion™ classroom simulations.


Work of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.

Included with the kind written permission of the editor.


0000-0002-9595-9075 (Horn)

Original Publication Citation

Horn, A. L., & Rock, M. L. (2021). Effects of e-coaching during Mursion™ simulations on the occurrence and variety of behavior specific praise. In A. Markelz, (Ed.) Ted 2021 Conference Proceedings: Steering into the Future. pp (38-42). Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, TX.
