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Independently performing essential daily living skills enables individuals to become more self-sufficient adults. Those with intellectual disability (ID) tend to require direct instruction and repetition to successfully aquire everyday tasks. Many adults with ID continue to show deficits in this domain, affecting independent living abilities (Luftig & Muthert, 2005). Video-based instruction holds promise in increasing autonomous functioning while decreasing reliance on staff. This review of the literature examines the effectiveness of using video instruction (VI) to teach daily living skills to adolescents and young adults with ID. Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of target skills are examined across the literature. A total of 12 empirical articles on VI were reviewed, all published between 2006-2017. Findings support the use of VI when teaching daily living skills to adolescents and adults with mild or moderate ID. Implications for research and practice are offered.


International Research in Higher Education is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal published by Sciedu Press in Canada.

Copyright © Sciedu Press.


0000-0002-9595-9075 (Horn)

Original Publication Citation

Horn, A. L. (2018). Examining the effectiveness of video Instruction on teaching daily living skills to adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability. International Research in Higher Education, 3(2), 6-16.
