Resilient Monarchs Film Contest, March 2021

A How-To Guide on Climate Change



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Date Submitted

Spring 3-20-2021

Film Synopsis

Elizabeth finds herself overwhelmed by how big of an issue climate change is. With the help of Nat, a girl in Elizabeth’s TV, Elizabeth learns of the many ways she can make a difference as well as the ways she can hold the people with more power over this issue accountable.

Artist Statement or Problem Statement (100-150 words)

Climate change is a massive and often daunting issue. Before we started the writing process of this film we came up against one major problem: how can we portray one person creating actionable change when it comes to this problem? This stems from the fact that we see corporations overwhelmingly ignore climate change, a problem that truly starts with them, in favor of the bottom line. This being something in our minds, we knew we would have to include this, as well as some other serious points in the film, but we also knew that we needed to make climate activism accessible to everyone. This is why we chose to make our film a comedy. We took a normal girl and walked her through the ways she could make a change. The problem started on an individual level and then expanded, in this way making an otherwise daunting issue manageable.


climate change, activism, comedy, pollution, short film


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File Size

1.25 gb

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

A How-To Guide on Climate Change
