Benchmarking Financial Operations Using the Premier Operations Outlook Database

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health

Committee Director

Colin E. Box

Committee Member

Donald S. Buckley

Committee Member

Susan S. Hunter

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48 T46


Acute-care hospitals have come under increased pressure to reduce costs while increasing the quality of providing care. Historically, increasing costs of providing care has had the greatest impact on the reduction of operating margins necessary to expand capital and for repayment of debt. Facilities can benchmark internal historical data to identify areas where costs have increased and are able to explain the factors that contribute to the increases. One of the challenges facing hospitals in their efforts to reduce operating costs is how, what, and where, do they obtain comparative data to benchmark the cost of operating medical facility to other, comparable, facilities.


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