Date of Award

Spring 5-1992

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health


Community Health Education

Committee Director

Gregory H. Frazer

Committee Member

Colin E. Box

Committee Member

A. James English

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48S54


Taichung city is located in the western middle part of Taiwan, with a population of nearly 800,000. The total number of food service establishments in Taichung City is more than 10,000. Among these, nearly 2000 of the food establishments are considered restaurants. For such a large number of restaurants, the total number of food sanitation inspectors is 16. In order to overcome the shortage of the food inspector manpower problem, Taichung City Health Department has set up a "Food Sanitation Self-inspection Program", in an effort to encourage the restaurants to direct more attention to food sanitation problems. In the meantime, the City Health Department has also set up a "Good Food Sanitation Self-Inspection Restaurant Evaluation Program". If the restaurants that participate in this program and pass the first, second and final sanitation evaluation, these restaurants then would could receive a "Good Food Sanitation Self-Inspection Mark". This is considered an honor to be shown to customers for recognition.

The purpose of this study was to determine if there are any statistically significant food sanitation knowledge differences between restaurant workers in restaurants who had received a positive food sanitation self inspection marks (Group A) and those restaurants who have not received the marks (Group B). The sample consisted of 144 restaurant workers from 25 restaurants in each group.

There were 25 food sanitation knowledge test questions (10 true and false, 15 multiple choice) and a demographic questionnaire used in this study. The t- test was utilized for the analysis of the results of the study. The statistical analysis indicated that there were 15 tests that indicated a statistically significant difference between these two groups: Group A was more knowledgeable than Group Bin 11 areas and Group B was more knowledgeable than Group A in 4 areas. The total test scores in Group A are higher than Group B. However, in the environmental sanitation knowledge test, Group A workers scored higher than Group B workers and the difference was statistical significant [t(142)=2.3767, p < 0.05]. It appears that the "Restaurants' Good Food Sanitation Self-Inspection Program" is worthwhile to be implemented in Taichung City.


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