Date of Award

Fall 12-1995

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil & Environmental Engineering

Committee Director

A. James English

Committee Member

Leslie Holland

Committee Member

John C. Kraemer


This study examined the effect of the implementation of a risk management program tool on worker safety knowledge in a composite building material fabrication facility whose workers suffered from an increasingly high injury (incidence) rate in recent years. Risk assessment codes (RACs) and job safety analyses (JSAs) were the primary tools used to introduce workers to the concept of risk. Because employee involvement is a crucial element in JSA development. employee input was frequently solicited throughout JSA development.

The study instrument consisted of a pre-test and post-test survey, to which an experimental and control group were subjected. The instrument was designed to measure the effects of the implementation of a risk management intervention on worker safety knowledge. The experimental group, consisting of 4 7 employees at a single manufacturing plant. was given the pre-test survey prior to the start of the comprehensive safety analysis of thirty different jobs and processes. After completion of all safety analyses. employees were trained with JSAs specific to their daily jobs and tasks. Test subjects were then given a post-test survey to determine if their safety knowledge had increased. This information was then compared to subjects at a different manufacturing plant of similar size. equipment and process that did not receive the treatment (RACs and JSAs). Study results showed that no statistically significant increases in worker safety knowledge occurred after implementation of this particular risk management program. Further study is needed to determine if different risk management programs could effect worker safety knowledge levels.


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