Date of Award

Summer 6-1989

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health


Community Health Education

Committee Director

Gregory Frazer

Committee Member

John Echternach

Committee Member

Colin Box

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48Z58


The purpose of this study was to determine the general Job satisfaction level of direct care mental health employees and to determine any significant differences in Job satisfaction levels between fulltime and part-time employees. The sample consisted of 60 direct care mental health employees In a residential treatment center in Virginia. There were 28 respondents for a 47% response rate.

The 20 item Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Short Form> and a demographic questionnaire were the survey instruments used. Respondents were satisfied with 13 Instrument items and undecided about seven of the items. Statistically significant differences occurred in relation to demographic variables for 12 comparisons. Frequency values for five scales were evaluated: 1.) intrinsic values; 2.) extrinsic values; 3.) general satisfaction values; 4.) satisfied values; and 5.) undecided values. Cronbach's alpha was used to estimate internal consistency for each scale with the respective coefficients as follows: .8462 for the intrinsic scale; .8427 for the extrinsic scale; .8427 for the undecided scale; .7694 for the satisfied scale; and .8871 for the general satisfaction scale.

Employees were found to be generally satisfied in response to the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (Short Form>. Pooled variance t-tests indicated no significant differences between full-tlme and part-tlme employees.


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