Date of Award

Fall 9-1985

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Community & Environmental Health


Community Health Professions

Committee Director

Donald D. Davis

Committee Member

John L. Echternach

Committee Member

Kathleen C. Kirasic

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.C48O42


The effectiveness of stimulation therapy for the cognitively impaired elderly living in an institution was assessed. Residents with varying degrees of cognitive impairment were treated with twenty, thirty-minute daily periods of reality orientation, reminiscence, resocialization, remotivation, and other stimulating therapies and were compared with a control group_ receiving no intervention. Treatment effects were assessed with a variety of instruments reflecting functioning across several domains. Included were ability to perform both basic self-care functions and activities of daily living, cognitive performance, affect, and satisfaction with the care received and the living environment in the nursing home. The experimental group was divided into two sub-groups based on the level of cognitive functioning. Those in the high mental status group showed less significant change across domains than did those in the low mental status group. There was no favorable effect on activities of daily living. The low mental status group showed gains in measures of cognition, satisfaction, and social contact. Comparisons with other studies· ·suggest that advanced age and the severity of disability might limit the effectiveness of stimulation therapy, but that there are abilities in these individuals which do respond to treatment and which should not be ignored.


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