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Journal of Nursing Management


26 pp.


Objective: The present study aimed to identify and prioritize control measures of violence against Healthcare Workers (HWs) using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Fuzzy Additive Ratio Assessment (F-ARAS).

Background: Occupational violence is a pervasive problem in healthcare centers. Reducing violence against staff is one of the challenges for healthcare managers.

Method: At the first stage, the most common criteria and control options for violence against HWs were identified and extracted using a review of previous studies. At the next stage, criteria for selection of control measures were prioritized using the FAHP. Finally, control measures of workplace violence were prioritized using the F-ARAS method.

Results: Results of the FAHP indicated that safety and efficiency were the most important criteria. Results of the F-ARAS also revealed that "increasing number of security personnel" and "training staff" were the best recommendations for controlling violence against HWs.

Conclusion: Based on expert's opinions, administrative measures are the optimal ways to control violence at health centers; therefore, it is suggested that violence control programs should be more focused on administrative measures.

Implications For Nursing Management: These results could assist nursing management to take best strategies for controlling occupational violence based on multi-criteria decision-making methods.


This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Rajabi, F., Jahangiri, M., Bagherifard, F., Banaee, S., & Fahadi, P. (2020). Strategies for controlling violence against healthcare workers: Application of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy additive ratio assessment. Journal of Nursing Management. doi:10.1111/jonm.12989

which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

Original Publication Citation

Rajabi, F., Jahangiri, M., Bagherifard, F., Banaee, S., & Fahadi, P. (2020). Strategies for controlling violence against healthcare workers: Application of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy additive ratio assessment. Journal of Nursing Management. doi:10.1111/jonm.12989
