
In 2012, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Robert Mueller shocked many when he warned, “[t]here are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be.” As technology and information systems develop rapidly, security has become a topic of increasing interest and concern. In 2018, it was noted that the total cost to account for cybercrime on a global scale surpassed US$1 billion (Milkovich, 2020). In the United States, a hacker attack occurs every 39 seconds, and each year, 1 in 3 Americans are personally impacted by a form of hacking (Cukier, 2007). Given more than 77% of organizations do not have a cyber incident response plan in place to respond to such attacks, these statistics are perhaps unsurprising; yet, they speak to the desperate need for consistent, reliable, and thoughtful cybersecurity now more than ever.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Iria Giuffrida

Document Type



Information Security



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The Interdisciplinary Impacts of Technology Semantics and Communicational Bypassing in the Cybersecurity Field

In 2012, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Robert Mueller shocked many when he warned, “[t]here are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that will be.” As technology and information systems develop rapidly, security has become a topic of increasing interest and concern. In 2018, it was noted that the total cost to account for cybercrime on a global scale surpassed US$1 billion (Milkovich, 2020). In the United States, a hacker attack occurs every 39 seconds, and each year, 1 in 3 Americans are personally impacted by a form of hacking (Cukier, 2007). Given more than 77% of organizations do not have a cyber incident response plan in place to respond to such attacks, these statistics are perhaps unsurprising; yet, they speak to the desperate need for consistent, reliable, and thoughtful cybersecurity now more than ever.