
During my undergraduate research, I spent my time working with a home automation program known as Helion, specifically, its Snapshot module. I was tasked with learning new material and completing part of the webpage that were unfinished. I also had to get a little creative when working on a design that users could find appealing. There were times I found working on Helion difficult but overall, working with Helion’s Snapshot Module is something that will help me improve with my undergraduate studies.

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Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces | Programming Languages and Compilers



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Helion’s Snapshot Module

During my undergraduate research, I spent my time working with a home automation program known as Helion, specifically, its Snapshot module. I was tasked with learning new material and completing part of the webpage that were unfinished. I also had to get a little creative when working on a design that users could find appealing. There were times I found working on Helion difficult but overall, working with Helion’s Snapshot Module is something that will help me improve with my undergraduate studies.