In this time where the world is using technology every day, there is going to be a need for some type of security to take place to protect its citizens from unwanted harm or danger. The use of any authentication methods is becoming very essential for a lot of companies and even for your own personal belongings. The use of biometric technology has offered companies the chance to upgrade their security system. This has also provided easier ways that people authenticate themselves as who they say they are. Due to their growth of usage, there is a privacy and security concern of these biometric data. In this research, we developed an analytical approach to biometric security in relation to privacy. This research will focus on the history, current state, problems/concerns, and the future development of biometric security. Biometric will be a forever growing topic and forever changing as time goes by. There will be a future in how companies will be using biometric technologies to better secure their systems.
Faculty Advisor/Mentor
Kazi A. Isam
Document Type
Information Security
Publication Date
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Analytical Approach to Biometric Security and How It Affects Privacy
In this time where the world is using technology every day, there is going to be a need for some type of security to take place to protect its citizens from unwanted harm or danger. The use of any authentication methods is becoming very essential for a lot of companies and even for your own personal belongings. The use of biometric technology has offered companies the chance to upgrade their security system. This has also provided easier ways that people authenticate themselves as who they say they are. Due to their growth of usage, there is a privacy and security concern of these biometric data. In this research, we developed an analytical approach to biometric security in relation to privacy. This research will focus on the history, current state, problems/concerns, and the future development of biometric security. Biometric will be a forever growing topic and forever changing as time goes by. There will be a future in how companies will be using biometric technologies to better secure their systems.