
Is your digital assistant your worst enemy? Modern technology has impacted our lives in a positive way making tasks that were once time consuming become more convenient. For example a few years ago writing down your grocery list with a paper and pen was a norm, now with technology we have access to IoT devices such as smart fridges that can inform us on what items are low in stock, send a message to our digital assistants such as iOS Siri and Amazon's Alexa to remind us to buy those groceries. Although these digital assistants have helped make our daily lives more convenient, they have access to a lot of users' information. As digital assistants continue to advance and become a part of our daily lives, our data will continue to be susceptible to attackers stealing information. It is important for companies to implement privacy tools and guidelines in order to keep our users safe from these types of attacks.

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Digital Communications and Networking | Information Security



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COVA CCI Undergrad Cyber Research

Is your digital assistant your worst enemy? Modern technology has impacted our lives in a positive way making tasks that were once time consuming become more convenient. For example a few years ago writing down your grocery list with a paper and pen was a norm, now with technology we have access to IoT devices such as smart fridges that can inform us on what items are low in stock, send a message to our digital assistants such as iOS Siri and Amazon's Alexa to remind us to buy those groceries. Although these digital assistants have helped make our daily lives more convenient, they have access to a lot of users' information. As digital assistants continue to advance and become a part of our daily lives, our data will continue to be susceptible to attackers stealing information. It is important for companies to implement privacy tools and guidelines in order to keep our users safe from these types of attacks.