
Malware has become increasingly prolific and severe in its consequences as information systems mature and users become more reliant on computing in their daily lives. As cybercrime becomes more complex in its strategies, an often-overlooked manner of propagation is through images. In recent years, several high-profile vulnerabilities in image libraries have opened the door for threat actors to steal money and information from unsuspecting users. This paper will explore the mechanisms by which these exploits function and how they can be avoided.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Yan Lu

Document Type



Computer Sciences | Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces | Information Security | Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | OS and Networks



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The Propagation and Execution of Malware in Images

Malware has become increasingly prolific and severe in its consequences as information systems mature and users become more reliant on computing in their daily lives. As cybercrime becomes more complex in its strategies, an often-overlooked manner of propagation is through images. In recent years, several high-profile vulnerabilities in image libraries have opened the door for threat actors to steal money and information from unsuspecting users. This paper will explore the mechanisms by which these exploits function and how they can be avoided.