
Purpose & Objective of paper:

My objective of this research paper is to inform others about the importance of Cybercrime prevention. I shed light on the harsh reality of the internet. This allowed me to showcase efficient methods to protect them from trending digital crimes if they were to occur. Protecting individuals, businesses, and importantly financial losses from phishing, cyberbullying, and non-payment is my ultimate purpose of this paper.

Methods of research:

My methods of research ultimately relied on public resources and books. A major reason why I decided to take that path. None of my peers would have access to the platform if they have restricted access. They would not be able to fact check the information I shared. Also, I could have utilized more exclusive information but, that may not inspire one to explore if they believe vital data is not easily accessible. Lastly, I used credible sources and platforms to lead by example of reviewing who is behind each link.


I learned a ton from the research I conducted. This was an eye opener for me realizing that each user online may be a target at all times. Learning that nearly 60% of teenagers have experience cyberbullying is disheartening. Each attack method that I shared all occur at a high rate which we all have a chance of being a victim of unfortunately.


I am confident that anyone who reads my research paper will gain a deeper understanding than they had before reading it. If not, they most likely will appreciate the reminder of protecting their data and online identity. The reader will learn: what to look out for, how to prevent the incident, who to contact if help is needed, and more.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Phil Mann

Document Type



Educational Technology



Publication Date


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Digital Crime Prevention Is Possible

Purpose & Objective of paper:

My objective of this research paper is to inform others about the importance of Cybercrime prevention. I shed light on the harsh reality of the internet. This allowed me to showcase efficient methods to protect them from trending digital crimes if they were to occur. Protecting individuals, businesses, and importantly financial losses from phishing, cyberbullying, and non-payment is my ultimate purpose of this paper.

Methods of research:

My methods of research ultimately relied on public resources and books. A major reason why I decided to take that path. None of my peers would have access to the platform if they have restricted access. They would not be able to fact check the information I shared. Also, I could have utilized more exclusive information but, that may not inspire one to explore if they believe vital data is not easily accessible. Lastly, I used credible sources and platforms to lead by example of reviewing who is behind each link.


I learned a ton from the research I conducted. This was an eye opener for me realizing that each user online may be a target at all times. Learning that nearly 60% of teenagers have experience cyberbullying is disheartening. Each attack method that I shared all occur at a high rate which we all have a chance of being a victim of unfortunately.


I am confident that anyone who reads my research paper will gain a deeper understanding than they had before reading it. If not, they most likely will appreciate the reminder of protecting their data and online identity. The reader will learn: what to look out for, how to prevent the incident, who to contact if help is needed, and more.