
In recent years, the use of technology has evolved in correctional facilities which may result in more vulnerabilities in correctional facilities systems. This study analyzes the types of security measures used in correctional facilities to stop cyber attacks such as firewalls, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition systems. The analysis also examines new challenges correctional facilities may face in cyber security and prevention strategies that will enhance cyber protection in correctional facilities. Additionally, this analysis compares the implementation of cyber security methods between jails and prisons.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Teresa Duvall

Document Type



Education | Law



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Analyzing the Role of Cybersecurity in Correctional Facilities

In recent years, the use of technology has evolved in correctional facilities which may result in more vulnerabilities in correctional facilities systems. This study analyzes the types of security measures used in correctional facilities to stop cyber attacks such as firewalls, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition systems. The analysis also examines new challenges correctional facilities may face in cyber security and prevention strategies that will enhance cyber protection in correctional facilities. Additionally, this analysis compares the implementation of cyber security methods between jails and prisons.