
Diffusion Models have become powerful generative models which is capable of synthesizing high-quality images across various domains. This paper explores Stable Diffusion and mostly focuses on Latent Diffusion Models. Latent Consistency Models can enhance the inference with minimal iterations. It demonstrates the performance in image in-painting and class-conditional synthesis tasks. Throughout the experiment different datasets and parameter configurations, the paper highlights the image quality, processing time, and parameter. It also discussed the future directions including adding trigger-based implementation and emotional-based themes to replace the prompt.

Faculty Advisor/Mentor

Dr. Rui Ning

Document Type



Artificial Intelligence and Robotics



Publication Date


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High-Resolution and Quality Settings with Latent Consistency Models

Diffusion Models have become powerful generative models which is capable of synthesizing high-quality images across various domains. This paper explores Stable Diffusion and mostly focuses on Latent Diffusion Models. Latent Consistency Models can enhance the inference with minimal iterations. It demonstrates the performance in image in-painting and class-conditional synthesis tasks. Throughout the experiment different datasets and parameter configurations, the paper highlights the image quality, processing time, and parameter. It also discussed the future directions including adding trigger-based implementation and emotional-based themes to replace the prompt.