Date of Award

Fall 2003

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene

Committee Director

Gayle McCombs

Committee Member

Lynn Tolle

Committee Member

Kenneth Marinak

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.D46 S78 2003


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 0.12% chlorhexidine rinse (CID{) and herbal rinse (HBR) to placebo, on gingival health status over time. Methods: 63 subjects (57% male, 43% female, mean age 25 years, sd=7.67) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups; CHX, HBR, or placebo. Subjects rinsed twice daily (AM and PM) with ½ ounce of allocated rinse, after brushing and flossing, for three months. Subjects were given the same type of soft bristle toothbrush and whitening toothpaste. Participants were advised to refrain from use of any other oral rinse for the duration of the study. No other attempt was made to modify subject daily oral care. Data were collected at baseline, month 1, 2, and 3, using the Gingival Index (GI), the Plaque Index (Pl), and bleeding on probing (BOP). A full mouth periodontal probing (six sites per tooth) was obtained at baseline and at the completion of the study. A soft tissue assessment was completed at each visit. Data were analyzed using generalized linear models. CHX was the only oral rinse to demonstrate a statistically significant effect on the reduction of GI scores of 2 or 3 (p= 0.012) and on the reduction of BOP (p= 0.005) when compared to placebo over time. The effects of HBR on bleeding was not statistically greater than placebo (p= 0.995) from baseline to month 3. CHX demonstrated a 29% reduction in the proportion of subjects with a GI score of either 2 or 3 (x= -0.290, sd= 0.144) and a 29% reduction in the proportion of positive BOP sites xi= -0.291, sd= 0.144) between baseline and month 3. A comparable 29% reduction in GI and BOP scores with CHX is expected since bleeding is reflected in GI scores. The effects of HBR on reducing GI scores of 2 or 3, or BOP were not statistically greater than placebo between baseline and month 3 (p= 0.882). There was no statistically significant difference from baseline to month 3 in PI scores among CHX and HBR when compared to placebo (p= 0.098, p= 0.505 respectively).

Study supported by American Dental Hygienists' Association.


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