Date of Award

Spring 1982

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene

Committee Director

Michele L. Darby

Committee Member

Pamela Parker

Committee Member

Deanne S. Allen

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.D46 G7


The purpose of this survey was to assess the aseptic techniques currently used in 197 accredited dental hygiene programs in the United States. A self-designed, 51-item questionnaire examined the aseptic techniques used in: (1) preparation of the dental hygiene clinic and unit, (2) instrument preparation, (3) preparation of the student practitioner, (4) preparation of the patient, (5) preparation of radiographic equipment, and (6) treatment of the hepatitis patient.

The questionnaire and a letter of transmittal were mailed to the clinical supervisor of each accredited dental hygiene program. Data were obtained from 173 returned questionnaires and analyzed via modal and percentage responses for each item.

Data analysis suggests that dental hygiene programs are following some of the recommended aseptic procedures; however, in several areas of asepsis, discrepancies exist between what is recommended and what is being practiced.


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