Date of Award

Summer 1982

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Dental Hygiene


Dental Hygiene

Committee Director

Michele L. Darby

Committee Member

Deanne S. Allen

Committee Member

Janet Scharer

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.D46B2


The purpose of this study was to survey Old Dominion University dental hygiene master's degree graduates and their employers to assess the overall quality of the graduates' education. Individuals who graduated between May 1976 and December 1981 (N =29) were sent a self-designed questionnaire to obtain evaluative data about the ODU dental hygiene master's degree program. The graduates were asked to identify strengths and weaknesses of the ODU master's degree program, the role competencies required for their current position, and the degree to which they were prepared for their current job by the master's degree program. Concurrently, employers were asked to complete a similar questionnaire designed to evaluate the role competencies held by the graduate and the overall quality of the master's degree program, and to suggest curriculum revisions according to the role competencies required in the employment setting. Results of this study suggested that the graduates and their current employers are satisfied with the role competency of the graduates; however, the graduates desired increased career options. Findings also suggested that competence in computer utilization, management, and business administration is expected in the employment setting and not taught in the master's degree program.


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