Date of Award

Fall 1989

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Nicholas Alvertos

Committee Member

Stephen A. Zahorian

Committee Member

S. M. Park

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55D48


An algorithm utilizing a syntactic approach and a criterion based on normalized moments is defined for the reliable, automatic, machine recognition of handwritten and printed Greek characters of any size and font. In this approach a binary image of the character in question is obtained initially; its skeleton is then produced by utilizing a standard thinning algorithm. The classification process then incorporates the topological features of the characters such as existence of closed curves, number of intersections, number and location of free ends, axial symmetry, and the criteria derived from normalized moments to uniquely identify each pattern. Experiments conducted demonstrated recognition rate of 100% with this approach. An alternate approach involving a mathematical (geometrical) modeling of each character is also proposed.


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