Date of Award

Summer 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Linda L. Vahala

Committee Director

R. W. Lawrence

Committee Member

Sachin Shetty

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 G673 2008


Wireless Sensor networks have many potential applications. These wireless sensor networks necessitate specific design requirements of which energy efficiency is vital. The sensor networks consist of sensor nodes that operate on battery power, and replacement of these batteries is very often a strenuous task, since networks are deployed in areas where the act of replacing the batteries proves impractical.

With the limited available energy of sensor nodes, most of the energy is drained during communication. An energy efficient routing algorithm can prolong the lifetime of the network by gradually depleting the nodes in the network. Many of the routing protocols that have been proposed are computationally complex and possess certain hardware capabilities in order to function. The objective of this thesis is to develop a network lifetime protocol that is energy efficient, computationally simple and does not have any hardware requirements.

In this network lifetime protocol, for the message to reach the base station it follows multi-hop routing in which the neighbor is being selected based on the minimum distance and the energy level above a certain threshold. If the energy level is below the threshold, then the next closest neighbor is selected, and if its energy level is above the threshold, then the message is forwarded to that corresponding node. This novel approach increases the lifetime of the network as the critical nodes are not completely drained. All the nodes in the network are being utilized, i.e. all the nodes in the network deplete more or less at the same rate.


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