Date of Award

Spring 1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

John W. Stoughton

Committee Member

Roland R. Mielke

Committee Member

Sukhamoy Som

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55J65


Diagnostics software for analyzing ATAMM based concurrent processing systems is presented in this thesis. ATAMM (Algorithm to Architecture Mapping Model) is a new model developed by researchers at Old Dominion University and the NASA-Langley Research Center. ATAMM is capable of modeling the execution of large grain algorithms on distributed data flow architectures. Investigating a real or simulated ATAMM based system requires the aid of software tools. The software tool presented in this thesis can evaluate the behavior and performance of an ATAMM based system. The tool graphically portrays algorithm activities and processor activities. The tool's measurement capabilities indicate computing speed, throughput, concurrency, resource utilization, and overhead. Evaluations are performed on a simulated system using the software tool. The tool is used to estimate theoretical lower bound performance. Analysis results are shown to be comparable to the predictions. It is concluded that the tool can assist with the evaluation of a real system and the testing of new theories.


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