Date of Award

Spring 1992

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

David Livingston

Committee Member

Stephen Zahorian

Committee Member

Jack Stoughton

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55K41


Formants are the natural frequencies of the human vocal tract. Existing methods for estimating formants from speech signals are computationally complex and subject to errors for certain type of speech sounds. This thesis describes a method for estimating vowel formant frequencies from Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients (DCTC's), a form of cepstral coefficients, using a feedforward neural network with back-propagation training. Experimental results are based on a large multispeaker data base. The results are obtained for both a linear transformation and a feedforward neural network with a nonlinear hidden layer. In general, the neural network transformation is superior to the linear transformation for formant estimation. Thus our experiments indicate the nonlinear nature of the relationship between DCTC's and formants. However, since the results are always much better for training data as compared to test data, a large data base is necessary for adequate neural network training. Vowel classification experiments show that estimated formants can discriminate vowels nearly as well as 14 DCTC's.


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