Date of Award

Fall 1987

Document Type



Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Griffith J. McRee

Committee Member

A. Sidney Roberts

Committee Member

Joseph Hibey

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55J82


A detailed mathematical model is constructed to investigate the frequency response of a hot-film anemometer system. Since several diverse factors affect the frequency response, the analysis is broken down into three main parts. Each part is a detailed mathematical model. The first model consists of the ordinary differential equations which govern the electronics of the feedback system and heat transfer of the sensor. An important simplification in this model is that the rate of heat conduction from the sensor to its substrate is constant.

In the second model the unsteady state heat transfer properties of the substrate are examined by numerically solving the appropriate partial differential equation. A two pole equivalent circuit is constructed from the results of the second model. A third model results from merging the first part with the equivalent circuit. In this model the rate of heat conduction from sensor to substrate is not assumed to be constant.


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