Date of Award

Summer 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Dimitrie Popescu

Committee Member

Oscar R. Gonzalez

Committee Member

Sachin Shetty

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 K638 2008


Future generations of wireless systems will employ versatile transmitters and receivers based on software defined radios that are capable of adapting in response to changes in the operating environment to meet the specified quality of service requirements. In adaptive wireless systems, transmitters use feedback from the receiver to update characteristics of the transmitted signal to changing patterns of interference. In this thesis, the performance of transmitter adaptation algorithms with limited feedback and the system performance as a function in which the interference information is quantized for transmission over the feedback channel are analyzed. The results of this thesis were presented at the 41" IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November 2007.


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