Date of Award

Fall 2008

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Computer Engineering

Committee Director

Vijayan K. Asari

Committee Member

Sushil K. Chaturvedi

Committee Member

Frederic D. McKenzie

Committee Member

Linda L. Vahala

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 P72 2008


New generation web-technologies and supporting development tools have prompted opportunities for developing new methods of teaching and learning. Web-based visualization and simulation modules developed for ODU's ECE201 Circuit Theory course are presented in this thesis. Visualization and simulation methodology is used to make learning process more interactive and effective. Macromedia FLASH software, which has the extensive graphical animation capabilities, is used to develop visualization modules. Lab VIEW is a leading graphical development tool for science and engineering with a built-in functionality for simulation, data acquisition, instrument control, measurement analysis and data presentation. These capabilities are utilized to develop web-based simulation modules for the circuit theory course. Bloom's taxonomy based framework is used to develop and assess circuit theory modules. Modules were implemented and assessed in the fall and spring semesters of 2007. Based on students' feedback and assessment results, it is strongly believed that the developed modules have significant educational value.


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