Date of Award

Fall 1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Karl Schoenbach

Committee Member

R. Joshi

Committee Member

Vishnu K. Lakdawala

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55R68


During the past few years, bulk, photoconductive switching has become recognized as a viable topic for future research on moderate and high power switches. The two-pulse, or BOSS, concept relies on an excitation laser pulse, and a separate de-excitation pulse in conjunction with silicon doped, copper compensated, GaAs to create a variable temporal electrical pulse width. The research contained in this document provides information concerning the feasibility of the BOSS concept, as the switch is scaled to larger sizes, and higher voltage and current. The major concern will be the high voltage and current effects. The absorption length for 1064 nm laser light in GaAs has been determined in order to design contacts that allows for maximum voltage hold-off. At higher voltages, an effect known as lock-on has been observed and is extensively studied here. Specifically, the temporal development of the dark lock-on current, and infrared quenching of lock-on currents will be addressed. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on thermal effects and steady-state dark current-voltage curves are presented. Experiments demonstrating infrared quenching of lock-on currents have been conducted.


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