Date of Award

Fall 1986

Document Type



Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Shared V. Kanetkar

Committee Member

John W. Stoughton

Committee Member

Stephen A. Zahorian

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55S28


A new signal processor for laser velocimeter systems is proposed. The proposed processor incorporates automatic initialization, real time operation, and can efficiently process input signals comprised of as low as 150 photons, with mean oscillation frequency up to 100 MHZ, and input turbulence from 0 to 20%. A bank of digital bandpass filters is employed for the energy spectrum estimation of the input signal. A deterministic model is developed to describe the relationship between the filter output energies and the input signal parameters. The input frequency is estimated by linearly weighting the filter output energies. A spline function approximation approach is used to determine the coefficients that minimize the mean squared error. The same approach is used to develop an error model that evaluates the processor performance. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed processor measures mean input frequencies with less than 0.5% average error, and provides a minimum measure of turbulence between 0.2 and 0.5%. Compared to other currently existing systems the frequency domain processor is found to be superior in almost all cases.


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