Date of Award

Spring 1991

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Sacharia Albin

Committee Member

Hasan Erkaya

Committee Member

Linda Vahala

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55S27


Erasable optical memory systems with a high storage density and a large data transfer rate are required for many real time data acquisition systems such as those placed aboard NASA's space born platforms. A new concept for erasable optical memory involving stimulated electronic transitions (SET) will meet these requirements. The SET concept useful in erasable optical storage systems was demonstrated in MgS and SrS doped with Eu and Sm. The optical properties of these materials were studied. The reading and writing wavelengths for these samples were determined to be 950 and 514 nm respectively. The peaks of the emission spectra were at 588 nm and 615 nm respectively for these samples. The information storage times and stimulated emission decay rates for both samples were studied using photoluminescence and stimulated emission spectroscopic techniques. Using these results, the system requirements were determined. Erasable optical memory systems utilizing the SET concept can achieve storage densities of approximately 50 Gbits per 14" diameter disk and data transfer rates of 186 Mbits/sec.


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