Date of Award

Summer 2005

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

J. Leatham

Committee Member

R. Mielke

Committee Member

F. McKenzie

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 S517 2005


The primary objective of this thesis is to provide strategies for analysis for data associated with simulation. Data analysis is an important part of the simulation process. Typically more stress is laid upon the development of the computer simulation while the data analysis takes a back seat. However, the accuracy of a simulation depends on the data driving it. In other words, any simulation is only as accurate as the input data fed into the simulation. Also, the output of simulation should be analyzed properly in order to validly estimate the performance of the system being simulated. The focus of this thesis is to develop tools for analyzing data associated to simulation.

The thesis deals with analysis of two kinds of data sets, namely unimodal and multimodal data sets. Mode is one of the statistics that may be used to define any data set. Any data set having a single mode is known as a unimodal data set. If the data set has more than one modal value, it is known as a multimodal data set. Separate tools are developed for analyzing unimodal and multimodal data sets. The tools use existing goodness of fit tests. In the first part of the research, unimodal data sets are fitted against theoretical distributions using Chi square and Anderson-darling goodness of fit tests. While the goodness of fit tests are used directly for unimodal distributions, a different approach needs to be developed for multimodal distributions. The latter half of study deals with the development of an approach to analyze the multimodal distribution. The approach is subsequently used in the synthesis of a tool for analysis of multimodal data sets.


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