Date of Award

Fall 1996

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

R. P. Joshi

Committee Member

L. L. Vahala

Committee Member

A. N. Dharamsi

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 S75


Monte Carlo based numerical simulations were performed to study photoemission from GaAs and diamond. The central goal was to assess the potential for NEA photoemission from diamond, and to predict its characteristics. The GaAs material system was also included in the simulation study to provide: (i) calibration and validation of the numerical model developed by carefully matching the simulation results with available experimental data, and (ii) quantitative comparisons between the response characteristics of diamond and the better known GaAs system.

Predictions of the energy distribution, temporal response and angular distribution of emitted electrons were obtained. Effects of various parameters, such as the sample doping, material thickness, pulse width and excitation energy, on the characteristics were analyzed and predicted. The results for Cesium coated GaAs were in good agreement with the available experimental data. The emission flux for diamond was found to be substantially lower. The simulations suggest that diamond will be a poor candidate for applications requiring the production of short electron pulses on sub-nanosecond time-scales. The reduced electronic emission primarily resulted from a low surface transmission probability, and the much longer characteristic absorption length.


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