Date of Award

Summer 2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical & Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Committee Director

Chung-Hao Chen

Committee Member

Gene Hou

Committee Member

Sylvain Marsillac

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E55 T395 2015


Object handoff in free space requires a sound framework between at least two optical sensors and one object. Previous work developed an algorithm that can determine the ap­ propriate time to initiate handoff of object tracking responsibilities from one optical sensor with an object in view to another optical sensor with the same object in view. In order to maintain persistent tracking of objects in this work, gimbal movements of optical sensors are determined by calculations using the Lagrange method to determine the trackability measures between the moving object and the handoff cone for the appropriate optical sensor. The rotation of the gimbal and the use of minimized Lagrangian solutions to define the trigger criterion cones leads to the possibility of gimbal lock. To improve the gimbal calculations and prevent gimbal lock, this work proposes and compares a quaternion method that is less susceptible to gimbal lock to previously utilized Euler rotation calculations. In addition, this work performs error analysis on the work as a whole, error analysis of an alternative polygonal cone tracking region versus the previously utilized circular cone, and sensitivity analysis of the developed algorithms. A previously developed simulator is used to test the results of the proposed calculation methods. The results of this paper show (i) a review of the previous work's algorithm for object handoff between optical sensors, (ii) an improved solution to optical sensor rotation using quaternions, and (iii) error analysis and simulations for the previous and current methods.


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