Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date




Publication Title

Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security







Conference Name

22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 22-23 June 2023, Piraeus, Greece


Verification is central to any process in a functional and enduring cyber-secure organization. This verification is how the validity or accuracy of a state of being is assessed (Schlick, 1936; Balci, 1998). Conversely, breakdown in verification procedures is core to the interruption of normal operations for an organization. A key problem for organizations that utilize biology as an interlock within their systems is that personnel lack sufficient ability to verify all practically relevant biological information for procedures such as a nurse logging a blood draw, or a molecular biology technician preparing agar to culture microbes for study. This has several implications, one of which is our diminished ability to approximate and defend against emerging biologically-linked cyberthreats. These could be in the form of mis- or dis-information, contaminants, or calculated threats to vital supplies. Two important questions to ask are: “What may be the implications of diminished ability to undergo strict verification measures (such as triple redundancy and technological distancing).” And “how does this impact our ability to anticipate and make changes for verification of biological processes?” This paper aims to discuss key areas where verification gaps exist and how to bridge those gaps. Towards this, we cover data integrity, implications of the lack of verification, triple redundancy, technological distancing, biosafety concerns, and more. All of this will factor into the ability of organizations with proximity to biosecurity to anticipate national changes to biological processes that are nationally relevant.


© 2023 European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.

Original Publication Citation

Potter, L., Mossberg, K., & Palmer, X. (2023) A reflection of typology and verification flaws in consideration of Biocybersecurity/Cyberbiosecurity: Just another gap in the wall. In A. Andreatos & C. Douligeris (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (pp. 358-365). Academic Conferences International Limited.


0000-0002-1289-5302 (Palmer)
