Date of Award

Spring 1990

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Director

Usman A. Qureshi

Committee Member

Raymond Strangway

Committee Member

Charlie Turner

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.E26S68


The government of the United States offers a guaranteed minimum price per bushel to farmers in return for a reduction in acreage planted. Through this program, the government attempts to control the supply of wheat and stabilize the price of wheat. There is growing debate in the United States as to the effectiveness and prudence of the current program.

This thesis will examine the effectiveness of the guaranteed minimum price program, using the two-stage least squares procedure to examine a demand and supply model. The study will look at the relative stability of the price of wheat and how and to what degree the guaranteed minimum price affects the supply and price of wheat. It is expected that the analysis will demonstrate that the guaranteed minimum price program is ineffective in providing a stable market price and should be reexamined.


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